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Common Questions
Referral for Services
How do I refer for services?
Do I need a doctor’s referral to obtain services?
My child is 18 months old. Are they too young for speech therapy?
How do I know if my child needs speech and language therapy?

Fees and Payment
Is speech therapy covered by OHIP?
How much do your services cost?
Why are your fees so high?
Is my private insurance going to cover your services?
Can you bill my private
insurance directly?
What payment methods could I use?

What does an assessment look like?
How long does an assessment last?

What does a typical speech therapy session look like?
How long will my child need speech therapy? How many sessions will we do every week?
What is an indirect service?
Do you involve the parents in the treatment process?

Service Delivery
Where do you provide services?
When do you see clients for
an appointment?
Is there a waitlist for your services?
Can we access public and private services at the same time?
Do you provide
recommendations letters?
What is your cancellation policy?

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