| Children |
Language Delay and Disorders
Language skills is the ability for your child to understand and use language. You may be concerned if your child seems like they don't respond like you think they should, if they don't seem to understand what you say to them, if they are not saying as many words as you think they should be, or if they have difficulty expressing their ideas, thoughts and feelings.
Speech Delay and Disorders
Speech is the formation of the sounds of the spoken language. You may be concerned if your child is having trouble saying sounds. Difficulty with an accurate production of sounds in speech can start in early childhood, whereas children may be difficult to understand.
Pre-Literacy and Literacy Skills
Pre-literacy and literacy skills include reading and writing. You may be concerned if your child does not show an interest in books, if they experience difficulties with sound/syllable manipulation, or if they have difficulty understanding text or spelling words.
Social Communication Skills
Social communication refers to how and why we use language to communicate and engage with others. You may be concerned if your child experiences difficulties with creating and maintaining friendships, understanding inferences and sarcasm, expressing boundaries, as well perspective-taking, self-regulation, or understanding emotions and feelings.
Voice Disorders
The voice consists of a combination of features, including quality, pitch, and volume. You may be concerned if your child experiences breathiness or hoarseness in their voice, has difficulty projecting their voice, loses their voice, or has difficulty with pitch. You may also be concerned if your child has throat pain while talking, a chronic cough/throat clearing, or a nasal quality to their voice.
Stuttering involves frequent and significant disruptions with fluency and flow of speech. It is a common developmental phase for children to go through and will often go away on its own. However, if your child has been stuttering on and off for more than 6 months, you may want to consult a Speech and Language Pathologist.
Feeding and Swallowing Disorders
Feeding and swallowing disorders stem from difficulties with moving food or liquid in the mouth and from the mouth to the stomach. You may be concerned if your child has difficulties with sucking, eating certain types of foods or a limited variety of food, chewing, or drinking.
Executive Functions
Executive functioning is a set of skills underlying the capacity to plan ahead and meet goals, display self-control, stay focused even with distractions, or follow multiple step instructions. You may be concerned if your child experiences challenges with problem solving, attention, memory, or other higher level cognitive skills.

Communication challenges can be associated with autism, developmental delays, learning disabilities, head injuries, cognitive disorders, hearing impairment, or progressive neurological diseases.